2023 Frances R. Hesselbein Award Recipient

LUCA Scholars Program


Latino U College Access


LUCA Scholars Program


Eight public high schools across lower Westchester County (NY)

LUCA Scholars Program

Latino U College Access

75 Virginia Road, 2nd Floor
White Plains, NY 10603

Shirley Acevedo Buontempo, MPA

Founder and Executive Director


Latinos make up the largest and fastest-growing ethnic group in the U.S. today, yet they trail other ethnic groups in completing higher education. Without a college degree, many won’t be able to qualify for even the entry-level jobs needed to build a good life for themselves and their families.

Latino U College Access (LUCA) was founded in 2012 to close the college-degree gap by helping Latino students overcome systemic barriers on their journeys to and through college. LUCA is one of the only college-access organizations whose mission specifically supports Latino students and their parents with culturally relevant, family-centered and bilingual programming.

LUCA’s groundbreaking Scholars Program works in collaboration with eight high schools in Westchester County, NY, to help high-achieving Latino students prepare for and succeed in college. All of LUCA’s partner schools serve economically disadvantaged students and have a high Latino student population of over 50%.

Students are nominated for the program in their junior year of high school by school counselors, based on academic qualifications. Scholars are then paired with one of LUCA’s highly trained volunteer College Coaches, who guides them through the complex process of college admissions and financial aid. Coaches and the LUCA team also help students and parents make informed choices about college selection, academic fit and more. Once enrolled in college, LUCA continues to provide assistance and mentorship to help ensure Scholars graduate on time and are career ready.

“Improving college completion is imperative for the future of our youth and the economic growth of our country—and it’s the driving force behind the LUCA Scholars Program and its success. Ninety-three percent of our Scholars are enrolled in four-year universities, and 99% have graduated or are on track to graduate within four to six years, versus 28% and 51% of Latino students nationally,” said Shirley Acevedo Buontempo, MPA, Founder and Executive Director of LUCA.

“The LUCA Scholars Program offers school districts across the country a proven model for ensuring that talented first-generation Latino students have the opportunity to fulfill their academic potential and achieve their American dream,” concluded Acevedo Buontempo.


Scholars successfully enrolled in college


Scholars attending “highly selective” institutions


Young Center’s "best interests" determinations granted


Volunteer hours supporting the Class of 2024

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